Laminaria hyperborea (Gunnerus) Foslie
English: Sea Rods
Irish: Slat Mara (Sea Rod, stipe), Slata Mara (Sea Rods, stipes), Feamainn Bhealtaine (May weed, cast fronds).
Description: Dark brown, to 2 m in length; with a claw-lik, conical holdfast, a rugose (rough), rigid stipe, generally covered in epiphytes, and a laminate blade to 1.5 m long dividing into finger-like segments.
Distinguishing features: Stipe is circular in crossection, and snaps easily when bent; in Laminaria digitata the plants are darker in colour, the stipe is generally shorter, narrower. In Saccharina latissima (formerly Laminaria saccharina) the blade is undivided and has regular, small depressions
Habitat: Common at low water in wave-exposed areas, and in the subtidal in optically clear water growing on rock to a depth of 32 m. Forms extensive closed communities at depths of 0-24 m.
Distribution: All coasts of Britain and Ireland.
Usage: Dredged in Norway for specialist alginate production, in Ireland cast-up stipes used to be collected for alginate production in Scotland but collection seems to haveeceased in reent years.
Irish: Slat Mara (Sea Rod, stipe), Slata Mara (Sea Rods, stipes), Feamainn Bhealtaine (May weed, cast fronds).
Description: Dark brown, to 2 m in length; with a claw-lik, conical holdfast, a rugose (rough), rigid stipe, generally covered in epiphytes, and a laminate blade to 1.5 m long dividing into finger-like segments.
Distinguishing features: Stipe is circular in crossection, and snaps easily when bent; in Laminaria digitata the plants are darker in colour, the stipe is generally shorter, narrower. In Saccharina latissima (formerly Laminaria saccharina) the blade is undivided and has regular, small depressions
Habitat: Common at low water in wave-exposed areas, and in the subtidal in optically clear water growing on rock to a depth of 32 m. Forms extensive closed communities at depths of 0-24 m.
Distribution: All coasts of Britain and Ireland.
Usage: Dredged in Norway for specialist alginate production, in Ireland cast-up stipes used to be collected for alginate production in Scotland but collection seems to haveeceased in reent years.

Spring regrowth of fronds in Brittany © Susan DeGoër
BioAtlantis provides sustainable technologies from the sea to enhance plant, animal and human health.
Connemara Organic Seaweed Company provide hand harvested, sustainable, kelp and seaweed products for human consumption through health supplements and edible products.
Emerald Isle Organic Irish Seaweed. A family business producing seaweed as supplements, cooking, gardening and bath products.
Irish Seaweeds Ltd are suppliers of 100% natural hand-harvested seaweeds and edible sea vegetable products from Ireland.